Five Hikers Rescued from Hatta Mountain by Dubai Police and Ambulance Services

Five hikers stranded on a mountain in Hatta were rescued after a hazardous terrain and elevation challenges prevented their descent. The Dubai Police Air Wing and Dubai Corporation for Ambulance Services coordinated the airlift, ensuring the hikers’ safety.

Coordinated Helicopter Rescue in Dangerous Conditions
The rescue operation involved a helicopter with a winch to safely lift the hikers, as no safe landing zones were available due to difficult terrain. The operation was carried out with precision, utilizing a helicopter hoist and a specialized emergency team.

Seamless Collaboration Ensures Fast Rescue in Difficult Terrain
Mishal Julfar, CEO of Dubai Corporation for Ambulance Services, commended the seamless collaboration between emergency teams that ensured the hikers received prompt assistance. Despite the challenging conditions, the rescue mission was completed without injury.

Emergency Response Shows Dubai’s Preparedness for Crises
The distress call received by the Dubai Police Command and Control Centre triggered a rapid response. The team acted swiftly, using a winch to extract the hikers from the mountain’s difficult terrain. The hikers were safely transported without requiring hospital care.

Public Safety Tip: Use Dubai Police App for Emergencies
Colonel Khalfan Salem Al Mazroui, Director of the Air Wing Centre, advised the public to use the 999 emergency number or the SOS feature on the Dubai Police app in critical situations. The hikers praised the team for their expertise and quick response, ensuring their safety.

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