Arun Gee, fondly known as Guru Gee, serves as the Chairman of Excellency Group of Companies, leaving an indelible mark on the business landscape. Born on November 29, 1981, in...
In a significant development, India's wheat stocks have plummeted to their lowest level in 16 years, marking a decline of 10.3% compared to the previous year. This decline, observed since...
In the chaotic symphony of modern life, our minds often bear the brunt of the cacophony. Yet, amidst the chaos, lies a simple yet profound elixir for mental clarity and...
A second consecutive night of breathtaking auroras illuminated skies across various regions on Saturday, following a remarkable display witnessed from the United States to Tasmania and the Bahamas the day...
Disney and Warner Bros. are teaming up to offer a bundle of their streaming services, including Disney+, Hulu, and Max, to customers in the US starting this summer. The package...
Research on sports image classification method based on SE-RES-CNN model Scientific Reports Using this feature allows for more stable and efficient model training, streamlining the process of fine-tuning training parameters...
Unleash the potential of apple cider vinegar (ACV) to enhance your overall well-being. Explore its rich heritage and versatile applications, from kitchen essential to natural remedy. Discovering Apple Cider Vinegar:ACV...
Renowned South Indian playback singer Uma Ramanan has passed away at the age of 72. She was widely recognized for her significant contributions to Tamil music, having collaborated extensively with...